Seniors in Focus
The Halcro St Community Centre
This site is here to help you find local events,
clubs and groups as well as other information
all to do with Seniors.
Fraser Coast Dementia Alliance

• To Promote understanding and awareness of dementia on Fraser Coast
• To Provide forum for people with dementia to be included in their services and community
The Alliance meets on the first Wednesday in the month, 2pm at the Halcro Street Community Centre (30 Halcro Street, Pialba)
Membership: the Alliance seeks representatives from a variety of sources including: People living with Dementia (Individuals/Carer); Business; Government Departments; Community Based Organisations and Interested People.
Key Activities:
1. Share information and activities amongst partner agencies.
2. Share best practice in relation to dementia services available.
3. Explore collaborative approaches and partnership working to help group achieve objective.
4. Work together on key planned events that occur annually such as seniors’ week.
5. Discuss any regional challenges and produce a partnership action plan to tackle emerging issues.
6. Discuss communication and promoting services locally.
7. Educating the public e.g. businesses to become dementia friendly
If you would like to join the Fraser Coast Alliance then give us a call on 4194 2441 or email juls.dewaard@frasercoast.qld.gov.au
Projects - Past
Dementia Forum
Held 30 July 2019
Hervey Bay RSL Club – Hervey House
The forum brought a number of guest speakers together to highlight areas of interest in relation to living with Dementia.
It also provided an opportunity to share information with those in attendance about available services within our community. It targeted individuals, organisations and businesses

Projects - Current
Dementia Friendly Checklist
This project will provide local businesses, government departments and community organisations with a simple tool to identify whether they are Dementia Friendly.
What does this mean -
What is a Dementia Friendly community?
A dementia friendly community is a village, town, city or individual businesses/community services that are informed, safe and respectful of individuals with this disease, their families and caregivers and provides supportive options that foster quality of life.
The checklist will be available on this site, Fraser Coast Regional Council and other local services across the Fraser Coast.
It will allow an individual organisation to check off specific items that they might have or not have in place and access information as to how they can do simple things to enhance their venue/service.
It provides a number of contacts where further support and information can be gained.
'These Hands' Project
This project will involve recruiting individuals who either have dementia or are caring for someone with dementia to have their hands photographed and then to share a snapshot of their life to include with the photograph.
The photographs and stories will then be framed and displayed for public viewing across the Fraser Coast. An official opening will occur to highlight the aims of the project. Once completed the photo Boards will be returned to the individuals.
The aims of this project are to:
To demonstrate that there is more to a person then the illness they have now.
To improve awareness about Dementia and to initiate conversations about Living with dementia either as the individual or a carer. The positives and the negatives and how we can support ……..
To encourage a community to become ‘Dementia Friendly’ and to identify how easily this can be achieved.
If you would be interested in being involved or know someone who would be please contact us on 4194 2441 or email juls.dewaard@frasercoast.qld.gov.au