Seniors in Focus
The Halcro St Community Centre
This site is here to help you find local events,
clubs and groups as well as other information
all to do with Seniors.
What to do in case of poisoning
Ring the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26
If you think that someone in your care may have been poisoned - DO NO WAIT for symptoms to occur - ring for help.
Find the container of the suspected poison and contact the Poisons Information Centre who can identify the poison and suggest the best method of treatment including whether an ambulance should be called.
If skin has been in contact with poison remove clothing without touching the poison yourslef and flood the area with cool running water.
Do not put yourself in danger or at risk call for help if needed.
The Poison Information Centre can also be contacted if you have any questions and concerns about:
The disposal of poisons.
The spillage of poisons.
How to prevent poisoning from happening.
The various hazards associated with chemicals, plants, pesticides and other products.
Always check if you are not sure and obtain the correct first aid advice. Remember that posters books and pamphlets can be out of date and incorrect so it is always better to check.